World Cup Mascot : Fuleco

World Cup Mascot : Fuleco

Remember when you passionately cared about the World Cup mascot? Me neither.

But I suppose its some sort of tradition from way back, give the kids something to cheer about.

To be fair I like the Mexican one, the Italian one was rotten and i think the Spanish was an orange??

Now we have Fuleco the Armadillo. He is supposed to represent some sort of football spirit mixed with the virtues of Brazil and conservation etc.

He looks pretty cute holding the ball like that, inviting you for a wee game of keep up but I have been informed this is a clever ruse. He actually leathers the ball off your face, momentarily stunning and incapacitating you while he rifles through your pockets and gnaws at your facial features.

If you see him prowling the Brazilian streets its best to back away slowly and empty your valuables as a method of distraction. Either that or volley him into the undergrowth before he builds any malevolent intentions.

I don’t trust him